Sring has sprung!
Spring is here. Hello sunshine. Hello blue skies. Hello outdoor dining. Goodbye winter. Goodbye illness. Goodbye the soggy tissues, cancelled plans and never ending wet weather.
Last newsletter I declared winter a write off and the 1 September another new beginning for WorkLife’s annual planning. And here we are, ready to roll. I hope you’re feeling the same spirit of renewal as the season ticks over.
To spring into spring- our SocialLife team is back from their European sojourn full of inspiration for a new Menu and some great live music events planned. First up is this Thursday’s double-book-launch for two WorkLife members, Holly Wainwright and Tori Haschka, and then on Sunday we have Dads who Brunch to celebrate Fathers Day.
WorkLife is busy getting serious over detailed architectural plans and legal agreements for our next expansion plan…..we are hopeful of being able to announce where we are landing next in our October newsletter.
And personally, I am delighted and excited to have taken on the role of President of the Berry Chamber of Commerce a few weeks back. Leading my fellow business owners in Berry as we rebuild back better after covid is an exciting challenge. First cab-off-the- rank was a Round Table with the 21C of NBNCo, Gavin Williams, who was happy to listen to the combined tales of technology innovation and connectivity woes at our meeting- we look forward to being able to upgrade our connection at WorkLife Berry to a dedicated enterprise ethernet connection in the next few weeks. Speeds never seen before are coming!
Lastly, I want to take this opportunity to bid farewell from the WorkLife community our General Manager Odetta de la Vega. After 6 years working together to launch five WorkLife locations, close two, do feasibility on at least another four, it’s hard to imagine how we will manage without her. In short- it looks like we will need to add another three people to the team to even try and plug the hole that she will leave! Next month we will introduce our new team to you, but for now, it’s time to pay tribute to Odetta. We have had the best of times even as we have navigated some of the worst of times- we will be forever grateful for the incredibly rare combination of skills and experiences you have brought to the business. We can’t wait to see what’s next for you.
So as we start the year anew on Thursday- if you are looking forward to (another) fresh start! We would love to share with you the benefits of escaping from the groundhog day of your home office– well designed spaces, time to focus and inspiring company- it’s all waiting for you at WorkLife Coledale & Berry……get your WorkLife mojo back, book a tour below and Spring into Spring.
Kate Dezarnaulds