New financial year, new energy, new plans…….you too?
Well well well- here we are again. New Financial Year underway, lots of new year energy, some busy plans underway….. You too?
(yes, that odd picture is me stealing a ride and a pic of Saul Griffith’s novel home engineered solar panelled bike while Rewiring Australiawere busy in a planning day at WorkLife Coledale recently- the things that happen at your local coworking space each day are always bound to surprise!)
Instead of the mid-winter slump, we are trialling the mid-winter sprint at the moment. When the economy flat lines and everything feels a little dire out there, the only thing to do is put your fingers in your ears, bury your head in the sand and push on I think!
So the team at WorkLife are busily and excitedly unpacking the boxes at WorkLife Picton…..we finally got the keys last week and it feels just so incredibly grand and homely all at the same time. What a spot! What a community! What a building…..opening 17 August.
We are also waking up from the dream that was the OpenField Arts Festival in Berry at the end of June- I still can’t wipe the smile off my face when I think back to the vibrant streets, packed artists markets and workshops at WorkLife and the pumping dance floor at the SocialLife Bar. Supporting community events like this is a privilege and a pleasure.
With the incredible FIFA Women’s World Cup just about to land on our doorstep and with tickets to the opening match for the Matilda’s next week i’m bursting out of my skin with anticipation of the vibe. To celebrate WorkLife signed up as a season sponsor to the Coledale Waves Womens Masters Football team. Go the Matilda’s and go ladies!
On other fronts I am just putting the finishing touches on the first Future of Flex Industry Report for our growing association. Helping to assemble this document has been a master class in industry research and insights and will help advocate for the role that coworking has in supporting community, flexibility, connection, wellness, innovation and productivity.
We will be presenting the report at the upcoming GCUC Conference in Sydney- my first official role as the new Co-Chair of Flexible Workspace Australia.
And last but not least we have been migrating to a new whiz-bang system that will manage all of our memberships and meeting room bookings and holiday day-passes etc in a super simple streamlined instant-book kind of way… jump onto the website and make the most of the seamless UX. We LOVE Hamlet and what they are doing to support our growth plans and reduce our workloads.
See what I did there? Made myself busy enough to not even flinch at the 12th interest rate in a row….;)
Come and catch the buzz by booking a tour at your nearest WorkLife.
Best wishes,
Kate Dezarnaulds